Sunday, January 11, 2009

it's been a while.

haha so this is a catch up post cuz I haven't posted for a while.

Holidays were great. I got to spend most all of them with my favorite guy in the whole world. It was awesome. Christmas eve I had to work. I came home and my family had gotten Andy's number out of my phone number out of my phone and invited him over. so I came home and he was there. which was awesome. kinda. I kinda worry about him being around my family when I'm not there. but I trust him... so yeah.

Then Christmas morning I got up at 3 am to make my parents gift.. well put it together.. and then I did the secret Santa thing I'd been working on for a few months. Then I slept again for like 3 hours. when I was woken up again to do the whole Christmas morning thing.

OK. Let me explain. My family has the worst luck around the holidays. something major always ALWAYS craps out and we end up having to buy a new.. whatever it is. Transmissions, fridges, stove, dryer something like that always goes out about the end of nov early dec. this year it was the washer. so my parents had to buy a new washer. My mom was basically setting us up for only getting pants for Christmas. In a nut shell. anywho so me and Ellie decided to work more and such and kinda play Santa this year. my parents had no idea. so I moved everything out about 3 am when I was setting up the fire pit we got for my parents. My mom and dad were pretty much like. wow. (OK they both started crying. which I hate. but it was a good cry) so it was pretty cool to be able to do that for my family.

Then I got to go hang with Andy and his family. who I also love. They are so awesome! I love his house. I'm actually there now. Even when it is chaotic it's got a nice calm feeling to it. It's nice. for whatever reason-respect, trust, priesthood, or something else- I love the feeling and spirit around Andy's house. His brother is like so awesome! I love Jim and Amanda(older brother and sister in law) and their two kids are so cute! Lexi-his niece- is like 7 months old and she spend like an hour just opening one present. it was adorable! I love kids! his 2 year old nephew is also adorable! I love Clayton! He knows my name and likes to come talk to me til I poke him in the belly then he runs away laughing. and I love his older sister Erin. She is awesome. actually aside from him and his parents I believe she was the first person I met from his family. It was on the way to his little sister Kaycee's birthday party and she had pulled up just as I'd pulled up and she was so friendly. Despite the fact she had no fucking idea who I was. I even like Paul-her boyfriend she's marrying pretty soon cuz I can't spell the other word- who seems to be kinda... different. He's just kinda aloof. kinda like me. I think it's cuz he's not a member. of the church or the family quite yet. But he's cool. a little odd. but he's always been nice when I've seen. Kaycee is.. and 8 year old. but she is so funny. I like her. she's not sure about me I don't think... but she's still cool. I love his dad as well. Jim is a big teddy bear-which he is. I kinda imagine emmett off of twilight to be like him- his dad is too. He is so awesome. I think Andy has kinda explained the situation at my house to him a little. but he is always trying to teach me about the church without teaching me about the church. He's also a big gamer like Andy-but not quite as big a one as he is- and so he is always including me in their games. even tho I suck with a Capitol S. lol His mom is pretty awesome too. They are all so awesome! I still kinda feel a little out of place but I'm just like that for the most part. But I got to hang with them. The bad part was trying to drive home later.... but even that was kinda fun. Exhilarating even. lol but you know me. always the thrill seeker.

Then I had to work again New years eve-I hate being the new guy. getting all the shit shifts- but then when I got off everyone was at parties and such so Andy came over and I made eatable food and we watched meet the Spartans and prom night. it was really nice. ;) and I actually got a sober new years kiss from someone I care about. unlike the last few years. so that was good. and it was nice to be able to sit at my house. where I'm pretty comfortable. With the person I am most comfortable with and no one else to bother us. I can't wait til I move out and I can do that more often. I mean even now we are just chillin in his room doing our own thing and it's kinda nice. but his fam is still here. It's not like we're doing anything we shouldn't be and it's not like I don't love them.(as does he I'm sure) but it's just nice to get away you know? does any of that make sense? I Dunno. it does to me.. kinda

but yeah. since then I've pretty much just worked. Friday was Andy's birthday and so he had the day off. we went to Iggy's for dinner after I got off work and then went to see the unborn.

Iggy's was funny. It was good food but the service sucked. I mean really really sucked. There was a table near us that the people left about 830. and it was still unbused when we left at 945! I mean it wasn't like they were so busy they couldn't do it. They were just lazy. and a Knife was dropped on the floor near us.. like a steak knife... and 3 people kicked it out of the way instead of picking it up! who does that? lol

Then we went to see the unborn. SCARY AS FUCK! just a warning. I am a chicken. but this movie was scary. Poor Andy prolly still has no feeling in his arm. It's full of Jewish lore and old WWII stuff. but I don't deal with movies about debouks-evil spirits- and possession and such well. and this wasn't your normal blood and guts movie either. it was scary in the fact that it was actually creepy. We then went to wal marts and messed around and talked and stuff til like 4. then I went home and stayed up til like 6 when I could finally see stuff and get to sleep. I slept until about 10 when my parents woke me to see if I wanted to go to the movie and breakfast with them. again. my answer is always no. I then showered, changed, and went up to see Ellie at work. We went to lunch then I went home. played on facebook and again and then I went to dinner with Andy's while family at Texas roadhouse. Andy's birthday is the 9th. His dad's is the 10th. they usually celebrate together I guess. which is what that was. I guess. Then we went to his brothers and played trivial pursuit. Then he and I sat in his car making shadow puppets and just being idiotic. It was really fun. I love being able to just be stupid with him. It's so nice.

now I'm sitting here watching him play wow and blogging. and listening to him on vent. which is a voice.. thingy. they use on wow. so I can listen and talk with him and his nerd friends-who prolly think I'm a bitch. and I'm ok with that- and blogging. lol that's pretty much it

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