Thursday, January 1, 2009

I realize making vague threats doesn't do any good but...

ok So I know it's been a while since I've posted. Holidays, all that. I'll finish my catch up blog and post it later. this one is for me.

What the goddamn fuck does the government want? someone just Tell me and I'll fucking do it! I'm sick of fucking getting screwed over! I am an accounting major with 6 100 scores and a year of experience! Why the fuck am I having such a hard time getting my old job back? I fucking just want it back. I hate my current job. I could never see another at&t.. anything.. ever again and it wouldn't hurt my feelings one bit! and the only thing that keeps me going back is that they gave me a chance when no one else would. oh and the dependency on money thing everyone has.but what the hell!? I swear to god I don't get hired on to the irs this month and you will have to come visit me in federal prison. I don't fucking know what they want! I have jumped thru every hoop! It's the only job I have ever not been totally miserable at. I loved that job and I plan on staying there for the long haul if I could just fucking get hired! that's all I'm asking. Or even just a reason why I am not getting hired and lazy fucks I worked with in the past are! I'm sick of getting ass raped by the government! first this, then the whole unemployment thing, then this again! I think I'm getting somewhere and then they just bend me over and fuck me sideways again. I dunno. I so fucking frustrated at this point. Cause I'm just sitting here twiddling my damn thumbs in the dark waiting and hoping for something that at this point doesn't seem to ever be happening! I just want it back. I swear the people I work with are prolly so sick of hearing me talk about the files. one girl said "if you loved it so much why don't you go back?" I nearly took her head off(I apologized later) "It's not as easy as some lazyfucks make it!" I dunno why some people get everything handed to them on a silver platter. but I'm pretty sick of having to work for every inch I fucking get. I'm willing to do it. but not when I'm getting screwed over by morons. I just want some answers or results or something. this running in place shit is.. well just that. shit The only good thing that has happened in the last 4 months was Andy. that's pretty much it. if it weren't for him I would prolly would be in a fucking rubber room at this point. or dead. or in Canada. or something. I dunno. This was a pointless post about things that can never be answered or changed. I've tried being positive and saying there must be a reason I can't get this back. but for the love of god there is no reason at this point other than nothing fucking comes easy for me. SO I've basically given it a week. if I haven't heard anything in one week from tomorrow(the 9th Happy birthday baby lol your birthday is my cut off) then you'll all see me on the news on the 12th getting taken out by swat team or some shit like that. But I'll make it well known. that's all. This life game sucks. I wanna try again

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