Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Nightmare before Christmas in 3D

So I decided this picture was fun enough to merit a blog:

Andy and I went to see the Nightmare before Christmas in 3D last night. It was awesome! I hadn't see in since I was like 7(so like 13 years ago.. ) and I've forgotten how awesome it is! and then in 3D it was so much cooler! nothing really popped out but it made the whole thing more.. real.. And I was all about Andy singing like every song from the movie (there were only like 6 people in the theater including us and he was doing it quietly.. relax) cuz apparently that's all he listened to on his mission..(I dunno) but yeah... its awesome.. and then I decided we needed a pic of us in our dorky 3D glasses.. cuz I'm weird like that.. I also didn't have a pic of the two of us together... haha he prolly won't like that I posted this pic on myspace facebook and here but yeah it was awesome. I think it's only at the megaplex in Ogden until Friday but if you get a chance go see it! totally worth it... yeah that's it

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