Monday, November 24, 2008

You killed my dog! You B@$&*#d!(much cursage.)

So as per the previous post My dog Ed was hit and killed Saturday. I have now obtained more info on what happened that night and I am pissed.(I was with Andy at the time.. and it's a good damn thing or I really would be in jail)

Seems like the kid that hit him was going fast enough to hit my 95 pound dog flip him up on the hood of his car, then flip him another 9 or 10 feet forward. That's way faster than the speed limit of 40 mph. Way Way WAY faster.. like reckless driving faster. You stupid fuck. Slow the fuck down! it's late, dark, and residential! You are lucky it was a dog and not a child or jogger or something. Cuz then you are looking at manslaughter not just a dent in your damn hood.

Which brings me to my next point of.. enragement. MY FUCKING DOG IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!!!!!!!!!! You don't get to add insult to injury by getting out and apologizing once, not even look at the creature you murdered and proceed to INSPECT YOUR FUCKING CAR!!!!!! MY FUCKING FAMILY IS TRYING TO DEAL WITH THE FACT THAT WE JUST LOST A BELOVED PET AND YOU ARE ASKING ABOUT INSURANCE?! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU YOU HEARTLESS BASTARD?! He is so goddamn lucky I was not around. He woulda had a whole hell of a lot more to worry about then a fucking dent. And I swear to god he tries and put an insurance claim thru and I will make sure that car never runs again. Nor will he be driving anytime soon. How would you like it is I hit your fucking cat and then instead of apologizing and trying to help I fucking bugged you about insurance and the blood that was on my car? I don't care if I am an adult now and I have a record. You. put. a. claim. thru. or EVER. dare. to. show. your. face. anywhere. near. my. family. again. and. I. will. beat. the. shit. outta. you. you. insensitive. prick.

So anyone who made it thru this whole thing-or even bothered trying- slow down and watch out while driving at night. Even at 40-the speed limit- Ed prolly woulda died cuz he was so skinny, but I woulda had a lot easier time forgiving the kid. And for the love of all things holy. if you hit someones pet unless it's a horse that totalled your car or you are hurt don't ask about insurance. That's all

1 comment:

Annie said...

I am So SO sorry, Myndi. What a jerk. Skyler says what goes around comes around. I'm so very sorry for your loss.